Jan. 10, 2022

Smarty Pants Lance- Lance Big Bangs His Way Into Podcasting.

Smarty Pants Lance- Lance Big Bangs His Way Into Podcasting.

At the insistence of so-called, friends, "Smarty Pants Lance," "Big Bangs" his way into podcasting with his first episode containing a short, humorous descriptions of a few of his life experiences, including: cheap and broken furniture and general messiness at radio stations, unusable toilets, how to distinguish between movie actors, TV personalities, and radio peeps, hating every moment of religious school, my childhood dentist who smoked while working on me. how swimming pools are cesspools, annoying relatives from the "old country", dread fear of talking with girls, those damn hippies, and more.

These experiences shaped Lance into the Smarty Pants he is today. So, listen, enjoy, and for heaven's sake "hak mir nisht keyn tshaynik!" (Don't bang your tea pot!)